Preglife AB
Mobile Optimisation of IF Finland's Unborn Child Insurance Registration
Problem & Assignment

The task was to create a mobile registration flow for IF Finland's unborn child insurance.
The design has to meet the following criterion:

Design Approach
Process and Solution

The final mobile design flow consisted of four key steps:

  1. User Information: The user enters basic details and signs in with their digital ID.
  2. Coverage Selection: A dynamic card displays the insurance cost, which updates based on the user's coverage selection.
  3. Insurance Details: Expandable cards provide detailed information about the insurance coverage.
  4. Final Overview: A summary of the user's information and selected insurance package, with an option to edit and finalise the registration through digital signature.

This project and its screens are the property of IF Finland. Any use without permission is highly prohibited and liable for law enforcement and copyright laws.

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